Eagle County, Colorado
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Fri, Mar 11
|Eagle Gallery
March Second Friday - Song Titles and Murder on Broadway "The Spy Who Killed Me"
Check out our exhibit theme of Song Titles: visual art that will remind you of some favorite songs. Check out this event photo: "Margaritaville" by Jimmy Buffet. And we are the Roulette Table for the Murder on Broadway event. EagleARTS big fundraiser event! As always our exhibit is free.
Time & Location
Mar 11, 2022, 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM MST
Eagle Gallery, 108 W 2nd St, Eagle, CO 81631, USA
About the event
It's 2nd Friday, ARTwalk gallery night and SPECIAL EVENT >>> 007 has been murdered on Broadway!!! And YOU must identify the killer! Find the clues, interview the suspects, and have a great night out on the town!
EagleARTS presents our award winning interactive Murder Mystery Game event, Murder on Broadway - The Spy Who Killed Me, our main fundraiser of the year supporting 2nd Friday ARTwalks.
VVAG Gallery will be the "Casino" so get your costumes together, and even start looking for clues ...
QuietKat on Broadway holds some secrets and definitely a foreboding sight, as the Murder scene is exposed in their windows.Â
More information can be found at Eaglearts.org Â
Tickets for the EagleARTS Murder on Broadway event can be purchased here. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/murder-on-broadway-the-spy-who-killed-me-tickets-273524899337
3 hoursDoors Open