Eagle County, Colorado
Lo sentimos. Este sitio web está principalmente en inglés. Sin embargo, nuestro programa Arte para Niños es bilingüe. Póngase en contacto con artbypinto@gmail.com si tiene preguntas.

Tue, Sep 05
|Vail Valley Art Guild Gallery
Call for Submissions: September 8th - 2nd Friday Gallery Night
Please help us celebrate "Side by Side" and "Gold" by bringing in your works that meet one or both of our September themes for September 8th - 2nd Friday Gallery Night!
Time & Location
Sep 05, 2023, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Vail Valley Art Guild Gallery, 108 W 2nd St, Eagle, CO 81631, USA
About the event
We are requesting up to 3 pieces that match our themes for the Eagle 2nd Friday Exhibit. We are requesting your best works with an emphasis on your interpretation of "Side by Side" and/or "Gold". Three pieces, even if we have displayed them before.
The Artist will retain 70% of the posted price of the sale. The VVAG will retain 30% of the sale. Taxes and Fees will be collected on the posted price of the sale.Â
You must be current in your membership to display any works. Â Renew