Eagle County, Colorado
Lo sentimos. Este sitio web está principalmente en inglés. Sin embargo, nuestro programa Arte para Niños es bilingüe. Póngase en contacto con artbypinto@gmail.com si tiene preguntas.

Thu, Jun 08
Member Trip - Roaring Fork Valley Art Trip
Join us for a wonderful opportunity to tour Powers Art Center, Anderson Ranch Arts Center and Aspen Art Museum on Thursday, June 8th.
Time & Location
Jun 08, 2023, 9:40 AM – 7:30 PM
Carbondale, CO 81623
About the event
Tour these wonderful art centers/museums for free! Â - Cost of meals not included -
We have two options for this trip:Â
Partial Day
9:40am - Meet in CMC parking lot; 11:00am-12:00pm - Tour Powers Art Center in Carbondale; 12:30-2:00pm - Lunch and tour of Anderson Ranch Arts Center in Snowmass; 3:20pm - Arrive in EdwardsÂ
Full Day
Following Anderson Ranch Tour: 2:45-5:00pm - Tour Aspen Art Museum and selected galleries in Aspen; 6:30pm - Arrive in Edwards
(OR - group option for dinner at Free Range Kitchen in Basalt, arrive in Edwards at 7:45pm)
Note: Full day option is dependent upon the number of people who sign up for this option
Space is limited, so be one of the first 10 people to sign up! Â The deadline to sign up is May 31, 2023. Â To sign up or for questions, please email Lynn Feiger: Â lynnfeiger@gmail.com
Please specify if you are interested in the Partial Day or Full Day Option (if Full Day option, specify if you will stay for dinner in Basalt)
Carpools will be arranged closer to the trip date.