Eagle County, Colorado
Lo sentimos. Este sitio web está principalmente en inglés. Sin embargo, nuestro programa Arte para Niños es bilingüe. Póngase en contacto con artbypinto@gmail.com si tiene preguntas.

Thu, May 26
|Colorado Mountain College Vail Valley
Photography Group: Fix This
Join our lively photography group each month for various topics. Meetings are free for members. Membership available at meeting.
Time & Location
May 26, 2022, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Colorado Mountain College Vail Valley, 150 Miller Ranch Rd, Edwards, CO 81632, USA
About the event
6:30 Fellowship, 7:00pm meeting. We will be at Colorado Mountain College, Edwards Campus,Room 249. Email your Best Photo of the month to spitzerr@comcast.net for display and we can discuss them.
The program is a request to repeat something we did a few years ago.
Program title is "Fix This.” Send me a photo (RAW original is best) that has something you don’t know how to fix. I will try and if I can’t, somebody in the group will have some ideas.