The Vail Valley Art Guild Presents: Winter in the High Country
Please join us each month for EagleARTS - 2nd Friday ARTwalk on Broadway! Stroll the sidewalks along the Historic Broadway Street in Eagle, Colorado, visiting our artist popups at several businesses locations, 5-8pm.
Be sure to download our new Grandstand App, available at to have the interactive map and specials, right on your phone!
Visit with our LOCAL ARTISTS Enjoy LIVE MUSIC Try FOOD selections of food vendors & Broadway Restaurants! SHOP Broadway Retailers
APRIL 8th Schedule - This month's participating businesses listed North to South, updated daily:
ARTSPACE/EagleARTS GALLERY 120 Broadway Street Exhibiting 15+ artisan members - @taranovakART - @pattrensofjoysewing - @firecatjewelry - @landreauxceramic - @metalkitchen - @artistmargaretthomas - @karenschumacher - @bluebirddesigns - @pitaflores - @heart2heart - @sunwardjewelry - @beckyhesseltine - @lieffink - @dreamcolorado - @mason.torry
NURTURE SPA 139 Broadway, Unit B - @freeandfleeting - Jewelry Artisan
ANTLERS & ROSÉ W. 2nd Street - @KaliMala - Jewlery Artisan
ROAMING GOURMET W. 2nd Street - @taranovakart - Fine Art exhibit
VAIL VALLEY ART GUILD 108 W. 2nd Street - "Winter in the High Country" exhibit of member photographers & fine artists
MOUNTAIN LIFESTYLE PROPERTIES 217 Broadway Street - KC Crafts & Treasures
EVERYDAY OUTFITTERS 330 Broadway Street - @sunwardjewelry - Jewelry & more... - @theknittencat - Hand spun yarns
................. FOOD - @roameagle - restaurant - @flavorstop - foodtruck - @elbajonchurros - foodtruck - @mountainminisdonuts - foodtruck
Thank you to our amazing sponsors and supportive community!
More details, registrations forms, and sponsor information on our website
Follow us on Facebook & Instagram for updates and tag us @EagleARTScolorado #artwalkeagle